Great Barrington — This morning (Saturday 1/15), for only the second time in three winters at my in-town Great Barrington location, it has dipped below zero (-1.3). Temperatures in the outer more rural locations like Jug End in South Egremont and also in Alford, Sheffield and Stockbridge are registering between 2 and 6 below zero this morning and with winds gusting to 25 mph and higher it is very cold indeed. As my farmer next door neighbor growing up in New Hampshire where winter temperatures of 30 and 40 below were common would say: “This is not a good morning to kiss the pump handle”
Now comes the snow. Forecasters have been eyeing low pressure development moving across the Southeast to redevelop along the Atlantic seaboard and head our way on Monday.
My snowblower and shovels are ready. I’m not sure I am.
Be careful out there.