To the Editor:
The Stockbridge police cruisers are equipped with a dazzling array of sparkling blue and white flashing lights covering the entire car.
On the afternoon of Thursday, October 22, I observed the light spectacle three different times on the western residential section of Main street, as stops were made. All three times the officer involved parked his cruiser somewhat in the road, partially obstructing traffic.
On Tuesday, October 20, a 68-year-old guest left our house after a sedate early dinner. She saw these same flashing lights in her rear view mirror while on Cherry Street. With a puzzled look on her face she obediently handed over license and registration to the officer and was told a light was out over her license plate.
Earlier in October a police car went screaming down Main Street with lights and siren, and skidded to a stop near the Congregational Church, another cruiser followed the first but with only the lights on.
Late in September on Sunday morning between 10 and 11 the singing at St. Paul’s Church was disturbed by a cacophony of sirens running past outside. In twenty-five years I have never heard such sirens on a Sunday morning.
Does Stockbridge, as Chief Eaton asserts, really need increased law enforcement, and are all the lights and sirens, so intrusive to Town life, truly necessary?
Unconvinced in Glendale,
Georgeanne Rousseau