To the Editor:
I’m writing to voice my strong support of the high school renovation project and to dispel the myth that this is an unnecessary or extravagant plan.
Right now, our elementary and middle schools students spend their days in buildings that are:
Safe – with comprehensive fire suppression systems that include sprinklers.
Secure – with self-locking doors, few points of entry, a front office that is well situated for excellent visibility, and more.
Healthy – with good air quality and ventilation, adequate lighting, and no asbestos or other known toxic materials.
Accessible to all – all children can access the entire building with ease, regardless of physical ability.
Designed to meet current and evolving educational needs – with learning spaces that can accommodate teaching and learning methods of today and into the foreseeable future.
Our high school currently lacks all of these essentials. And that’s what they are: essentials. There’s nothing luxurious or frivolous about the things listed above and our children are entitled to all of them. Exceptional work is happening at our schools every day. But the work going on at the high school happens despite the state of the building itself. This renovation project is not about creating a state-of-the-art facility; it’s about bringing the building up to the standard our children already have in the other two schools.
The state is willing to invest $23.2 million toward the renovation because it feels we are lagging behind the rest of the state in what we offer our high school students. The state feels our students, teachers and overall community deserve much more. What about you? Will you join me in making a commitment to invest in our future? If you truly value public schools and our community, it’s time to show your support: Vote yes on both questions relating to the renovation project.
Rebecca Gold
Great Barrington