Saturday, February 8, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Gratitude and a request for elders

I encourage readers of The Berkshire Edge to help Elder Services of the Berkshires with a donation! It will help to build local resilience into this service in the face of uncertainties emanating from D.C.

To the editor:

Thank you, Leslee Bassman, for reporting on the needs of Berkshire County elders! We are a large segment of the population and many vulnerable elders (about 1,000) rely on services, like Meals on Wheels, to meet their daily nutritional needs.

Elder Services of Berkshire County relies on federal funding to cover the costs of providing these essential meals and still has a shortfall to cover every year. I encourage readers of The Berkshire Edge to help out with a donation! It will help to build local resilience into this service in the face of uncertainties emanating from D.C.

Click here to donate. You can select Meals on Wheels for your donation or another of the many services of Elder Services. Pease consider asking your friends to help out as well

Virgil Stucker
Board member of Elder Services of the Berkshires

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Cross-quarter days

We have lost so much in the transformation of these ancient days of honoring, giving thanks, and celebration, now trivialized and commercialized, as is so much of our impoverished culture.

Egremont is asking its residents to vote on an incomplete and error-filled revision of the town’s zoning bylaw

The folks pressing ahead with this unfinished product assure us that they will finish the job and fix the mistakes in due course. They call doing that “phase two.” But they can offer no guaranty that “phase two” will happen or that it will look as we are being told it will look.

I am running for the Dalton Select Board in the Feb. 3 Special Election

In preparing for this campaign, I have spent a lot of time listening to residents’ concerns, using the information gathered to form solutions that I hope to implement when elected.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.