To the editor:
Great Barrington town manager Mark Pruhenski, with the support of the selectboard, decided to paint a number of crosswalks with the gay pride colors to celebrate diversity in our community. When the Town Hall received complaints, the story quickly changed from gay pride support to the COVID-19 crisis unity.
When asked about the cost, Pruhenski, along with Selectman Ed Abrahams, stated it was not a waste of money; crosswalks were scheduled to be painted this spring anyway — not a true statement. One only needed to take a ride around the town to see that the line painting and crosswalks were already completed by an outside contractor. The Berkshire Edge and Berkshire Eagle pictures clearly show that they were already freshly painted.
Can the town afford the cost and time of three DPW employees working all day to complete two crosswalks with the gay pride colors with several more crosswalks to come? It was only last week that we were informed the town needed to furlough (lay off) several employees, but we have money for this?
Before the hate mail starts, what people do in their private lives is their business, but to spend money for a political statement is wrong. The quiet majority of our residents do not support spending their tax money in this manner.
If the powers to be are looking for a project to support during the COVID-19 virus, with Memorial Day celebrations being canceled, why not install American flags on the poles along Main Street? This would show respect for our departed veterans.
Andy Moro