To the editor:
I am writing to endorse Patrick White for the Stockbridge Select Board. While I am no longer a resident, I lived in Stockbridge for 18 years and also served on the Zoning Board of Appeals. I am no stranger to the workings of the town and view the community with great fondness and esteem. My good friends there can attest to this.
The good folks of Stockbridge are very fortunate to have Patrick working for them. I can testify to his commitment to both preserving those qualities that make Stockbridge unique, as well as pursuing innovative solutions to contemporary challenges. His has an expansive view of the community, reaching out to locals, second home owners, business owners, nonprofits, and all the varied interests that make up Stockbridge today. He does his homework and due diligence. He walks into meetings prepared in all ways: to propose ideas, to listen, to find compromise, to find solutions. When facing adversity, his response is thoughtful, measured, and even conciliatory when called for.
I am now a member of the Select Board in neighboring Lee. I have come to rely upon my friend, Patrick, for his consul, his experience, his wisdom, and his innovative thinking when pondering issues where we share common cause. He is a reliable resource who has my deepest respect.
I encourage my Stockbridge neighbors and friends to support Patrick White in his quest to continue serving you. He has earned his place at that table.
Bob Jones