Sheffield Contra Mad Hatter’s Dance
March 22 @ 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
$8 – $35
It’s our March Mad Hatter’s Dance, so wear your favorite, or most outlandish, hat! Calling legend Will Mentor will lead us in an evening of great dances, with just perhaps a side of silliness. Our band for the evening is Woodthrush, with Aldo Lavaggi on fiddle and mandolin, and Clara Stickney on fiddle and harp.
Come join us at Dewey Memorial Hall in Sheffield for an evening of contra dancing to live music, with a different band and caller each time. With its wooden interior, raised stage, and beautiful acoustics, historic Dewey Hall is a great place to dance. Refreshments are served at the break. We dance every 4th Saturday, September through May.
Contra dancing is a great New England tradition, fun and easy to learn. All dances are taught and beginners are welcome. No partner needed. Suggested donation: Students $8-10, Adults $12-20 Family Max $35. Beginner Lesson starts at 6:30 and dancing goes from 7-10. Dewey Hall is located at 91 Main Street (Rt. 7) Sheffield, MA.