To the Editor:
I am writing in support of Bill Cooke for Selectboard in Great Barrington.
I live and work in Housatonic. I’m a new dad and a homeowner. I grew up in Housatonic and spent 10 years in New Orleans. Then I moved back home. I had to purchase a pretty serious fixer upper and convince my friends to do most of the work with me to be able to afford to live in my Hometown. When you break it down to the monthly level my property taxes are over $325 a month. If you add up all of my utility bills for the month (electricity, gas, water, trash removal, even including cell phone and Internet access), it averages about $300 for me. So all of my carefully measured and billed utilities together are less than my monthly tax bill. To me that seems a bit out of whack.
Bill seems to be the only candidate to be strongly in support of Michael Wise’s residential exemption tax plan.
Any plan that reduces my taxes will be a real help to me and my family.
Bill represents the interests of young working families in town. He’s willing to discuss the issues with anyone.
I trust him to do a great job on the Selectboard.
Please vote for Bill Cooke on May 12th.
I also support Sean Stanton for Selectboard and Will Curletti for the Finance Committee.
Nathan Turner
Housatonic, Mass.