To the Editor:
I AM A JEW! I’ve never denied it, nor tried to hide it, and now I feel a continuing need to continue to declare that I AM A JEW. Anti-semitism is no longer being hidden in the closet and is out in the open in our very own country. Nothing new here, as anyone who is Black, Yellow, Brown, Chartreuse or any other color beside White can attest. Same goes for LGBTQ, Muslim, Buddhist, Female, Ambiguous, Not Wealthy…or anyone who is not an older white Christian male with a significant bank account.
The powers that be are doing a super job of dividing us but you know what? All of we minorities are the plurality. If we can figure out how to not fight amongst ourselves, we can beat this. First step…this coming Tuesday get out and vote. It’s time, people. Sadly, it’s less important who we vote for and more important as to who and what we will vote against. Are you a Republican? Relax…no attack here. But just ask…is this political group that calls itself Republican the party that you signed up for? Of course not. Yes…I know. The Democratic Party is no bed or roses either…BUT…they are not propagating and encouraging a virtual civil war. They are not standing silent when this utterly despicable human being who is the president threatens to shoot to kill border protesters who might throw rocks in frustration. It’s time…to take back your party if you are a Republican and to take back our country. There are no innocent bystanders here. We are all part of this…vote on Tuesday. Vote anti-Republican this Tuesday, even against those who claim to be “moderate” Republicans and yet stand silent to their party’s atrocious behavior…yes you, Charlie Baker in Massachusetts. Our country’s soul is at stake. Do your duty. Vote against hate. Vote against misogyny. Vote against demagoguery and vote against right-wing Nationalism.
I AM A JEW. I will not cower. I will not be silenced. I voted. First step. More to come.
Art Ames
West Stockbridge