To the editor:
I read this morning an excellent article in the Berkshire Eagle, penned by Carole Owens. Titled, “The Gift That Keeps on Giving,” it is a wonderful reminder of who we are as citizens, and what some of our major responsibilities entail. What immediately came to mind were the various issues facing voters in South Berkshire towns today. Great Barrington faces challenges brought into play by the proposed renovation of the Searles School. Stockbridge has had its share of concerns: elections, budgets, policing… The list goes on.
However, we might take comfort in the assertive participation of the local voters in finding solutions to these various issues. We hear about voter apathy and low turnout at the polls in many areas. Not so in the South Berkshires. We are fortunate to have a citizenry that actively takes part in the solving of problems presented to us. We are reminders to local officials as to their true purpose: to follow the law and to reflect the will of their constituents. They are representatives (“first and foremost citizens no more powerful or important than their neighbors”). Presumably, our representatives (the Selectmen, on a local level) welcome and appreciate the input provided by the voters. As voters, we have a responsibility to show up at annual meetings, special meetings, Selectmen’s meetings, and so on… Many do.
I am a Stockbridge resident. I encourage my neighbors who are voters to attend the Selectmen’s meeting on Monday, January 11th. It is my understanding that there are budget issues that will be discussed: funding, policing, issues that will impact our lives on a daily basis. Your voice on these concerns is important… It matters.
Robert H. Jones Jr.