The first printed account of a sighting of a Berkshire County “creature” was published in 1765. It took place at a particular spot in Great Barrington, near what is now Town Hall.
Berkshire Hills Regional School Committee member Rich Bradway deplores the misinformation and what he terms outright lies being circulated about the reasons for the proposed renovation of Monument Regional High School. He sets the record straight.
In the nineteenth century, white-cappers ganged together to intimidate debauchers, adulterers, wife-beaters, and the indolent. Their targets changed but not their methods. They favored tar and feathers.
Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge built a concert hall on her property with 500 seats and outstanding fine acoustics. It was 1918 and the Berkshire Music Festival at South Mountain, Pittsfield, was born.
In 1774, a successful act of civil disobedience resulted in the forceful closing of the court at Great Barrington and in the raising of a Berkshire militia. When the shot was fired at Lexington in 1775, Berkshire was ready.
The Berkshires Agricultural Society was founded in 1811 for the purpose of experimentation and improvement of all things edible — on the hoof, off the stalk, or out of the ground.
Don Berwick is the only gubernatorial candidate 'with a resume of such great executive experience and accomplishment.'
-- Fred and Elaine Panitz, Sheffield
The earning capacity of many people makes it impossible for them to afford health care. Millions do not have protection against the economic effects of sickness.
The first time around, from concept to completion, it took 44 years to establish passenger train service in Berkshire and there is no reason to believe it will take less time to restore it.
The elephant arrived in Lenox exhausted and suffering – apparently – from internal injuries. Residents came from all over Berkshire, stood in the barn door, and watched Columbus die.