You must never allow yourself to believe lies when your own eyes have seen the truth—particularly when the truth is uncontrolled fury, rage, and murderous conduct.
I am sympathetic to all those who are nervous and have elevated anxiety and debilitating depression while facing the next four years. I hear you every day.
If we are going to put causes to this catastrophe, for God's sake, let‘s put it where it belongs, not where Fox News suggests, without any scientific basis, that it is!
We will once again be voting at Town Meeting in May for the funds to replace Monument Mountain Regional High School. I know that we need a new school, that the cost keeps increasing, and that our taxes are going to go up. How is this town going to reconcile these facts?
In case you weren't glued to your set, you might have missed this week when Elon Musk backtracked on his promise to find $2 trillion, saying now that he thinks there is still a good shot at getting half that amount. Maybe.
A roadblock to taking on the civic responsibility to ensure safe water in Great Barrington has been fear, and confusion, about how this challenging task can be accomplished.
We are forever thankful. This letter is not enough to thank everyone who cared. We shook hands with volunteers in the woods whose names we never got or remember. Thank you now; you are not forgotten.
Edward's focus on the musicality is understandable and, granted, fundamental to a Dylan story, but his critique (if I understand the title of the article) is a "Film Review" not a "Musical Film Review."
The Planning Board's mandate is best achieved with a deliberate and responsive approach, one I encourage on any issue that comes before us, especially this one.
No one in Great Barrington is celebrating the loss of Simon‘s Rock. From what I know, Peter Most’s group would like to find a way to utilize the campus in a way that continues to benefit the community.