The owners decided on a renovation with nultiple new additions that followed the original elegant lines. This was a huge undertaking—it would take three years from beginning to end.
Bobby Houston, with his partner in Scout House Jennifer Bianco, remodeled the grand former home of opera diva Phyllis Curtin and turned a barn into a ballroom.
We knew it would make sense to buy the now empty house next door because our properties were so intimately touching, but it took 13 months of pondering, strategizing, walking away and letting go, until we saw a way to make it happen.
There are still some people living among us today who attended this school in East Otis and may recall going out to the freezing privies in the winters when a wood stove heated the single classroom. Clark + Green Architects of Great Barrington are overseeing Phase One of the restoration, underway now, to save the building. Phase Two will restore the interior.
Living together, apart. An Accessory Dwelling Unit, or ADU, can offer many benefits to both the property owner and the community at large. The author shows several beautiful examples.
Originally part of Edith Wharton's estate at The Mount, the former barn and stables have been transformed by CLARK + GREEN INC into a gracious home which retains the history of the property and the character of the barn.