Selina Lamb of BIRCH Properties offers a Berkshire gem, a contemporary New England classic with the perfect combination of design, condition and location.
I love how Alford has managed to maintain its identity, call it cachet, since the 18th century. With its perfectly proportioned, white steepled church, clapboard town hall and one room school house, it appears set in a time capsule.
I recommend the marsh mallow, Althaea officinalis, as a trouble free perennial that has been cultivated since ancient times as a culinary and medicinal herb.
I recently found the recipe for blueberry muffins scribbled – ingredients only – no instructions. Why would I need the instructions? I knew exactly how to make them! I decided to make them. Guess what? I still know how to make them.
July 20 – August 2, 2015
Mt. Washington -- Summer is ripening everywhere – gardens, farms and the softly rounded and arrestingly rugged Berkshire and...
Here are a few projects where we found the space by inserting, carving out, and adding where possible to get that powder room without losing too much valuable space.
Stanton is not just a successful farmer. He credits his interest in serving on town boards to the model set by his parents, who have always taken into their home people who need help in various ways.
Sow seed for heat tolerant radicchio lettuce and Rainbow Swiss Chard now for beautiful, long lasting autumn harvests. Frost tolerant crops like kale are worth planting now, too.
My contention has long been that everything we create is a lens through which we can understand the entire culture of the time; we really are what we build ... the end product represents a consensus of the values, aspirations, myths and fears of the cultures at that time and place.