Sunday, February 9, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing



James Weldon Johnson Foundation and the NFL celebrate the 125th anniversary of the hymn “Lift Every Voice and Sing”

Author and lyricist Johnson wrote significant work at his writing cabin in Great Barrington.

They’re back … airborne guests at The Red Lion Inn

“If anything happens to this chimney at the Red Lion Inn," Chad McCormick worries, "a whole population of birds could be wiped out."

Profile: Michael Wise, candidate for Great Barrington Finance Committee

He would like to have a “soup-to-nuts review” of town finances every few years, to see “why they’re doing what they’re doing.”

Profile: Ed Abrahams, candidate for Great Barrington Select Board

“If there was anything easy to cut it’s been cut,” says Abrahams of the school budget. “We’re not getting reimbursed at a high enough rate to cover expenses.”

Rites of spring

Twenty years ago, in 1994, there were only 1,755 farmers' markets in the U.S. By 2013 the number had jumped to 8,144, and this year promises even more.

Great Barrington voters endorse regional school and town budgets

"The vote on the the regional school budget is about an investment in the future, not a witch hunt." -- Finance Committee member Leigh Davis

Great Barrington candidates’ forum: A review

Simmering anger over the seeming indifference of local town and school officials, combined with resentment toward newcomers and the local friends of the newcomers, are at the heart of local elections this May.

Great Barrington: Solar capital of South County?

If Kirt Mayland’s Housatonic Solar Project achieves its objectives, the Berkshire Hills Regional School District, the Southern Berkshire Regional School District, and the town of Great Barrington would all become the beneficiaries, with significant savings on the cost of electricity.

‘Holy shit, there’s dead bats everywhere’

"If we assume, very conservatively, that there are two million species in the tropical rainforests, this means that something like five thousand species are being lost each year. This comes to roughly fourteen species a day, or one every hundred minutes.” -- Elizabeth Kolbert in "The Sixth Extinction"

‘Fully Committed’: One actor, 39 roles

This is completely thrilling for an actor – and completely terrifying. You leap from one character to another – and you have to land full blown for each one. -- Daniel Osman, of his 39 roles in 'Fully Committed.'

Whatever happened to ‘Occupy Berkshires’?

'If we focus only on financial resources, the average American in the top 500 has 40,000 times the wealth power of the median citizen.' -- Northwestern University Professor Jeffrey Winters

Just say no to school budget, Finance Chairman advises

"I believe the district’s operating expenses can be reduced without affecting the curriculum." -- Finance Committee Chairman Sharon Gregory

Farm to School Stand: Healthy snacks for students — at last

“We have to eat lunches, and we want to have a healthy lifestyle, but it’s difficult at school where there haven't been healthy food options,” explained Quinn Abrams, a junior from Great Barrington. “Until now.”

Driver’s licenses for immigrants: A matter of safety and fairness

'The whole immigration system at the federal level is so, so broken.' -- State Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier, D-Pittsfield

If all goes according to plan…

In about 10 years Great Barrington should have newly reconfigured water lines and sewer system, bike lanes on all the major roads to offer an alternative to the automobile, a renovated railroad line to the New York Metropolitan Area.