Monday, September 9, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tech in the 413

TECH TALK: Transportation Tech, Part 1

AI’s impact on transportation is rippling through every part of our economy and society.

TECH TALK: Relationship Tech, Part 4

Our communication superpowers are about to become even more impressive. It is time to develop personal communication hygiene habits, just like you developed backup plans for your computers and devices.

TECH TALK: Relationship Tech, Part 3

The ease with which we can append, expand, and make more complex our communication often results in overcommunicating. Beware of a mismatch with your audience.

TECH TALK: Relationship Tech, Part 2

By permitting us to transcend the globe instantly, Relationship Technology now impacts our lives more than any other software category.

TECH TALK: Relationship Tech, Part 1

Relationship Technology, which permits us to transcend the globe instantly, now impacts our lives more than any other technology. Our relationships and beliefs are no longer governed by geographic proximity and slow, rational, logical decision-making. Communication speed has outstripped our ability to think, leaving us to process much of the incoming flood unconsciously and emotionally.

TECH TALK: Culture Tech, Part 4

Many creative people are nervous about technology's impact. David Pogue, one of America's favorite explainers of disruptive technology, will be at the Tanglewood Learning Institute August 17 to talk about Artificial Intelligence and the future of music.

TECH TALK: Culture Tech, Part 3—How tech impacts musical style

Technology has enabled multiple new musical styles, from rock to jazz fusion, hip hop to video game music, and has altered Broadway musicals, country music, classical music, and film music.

TECH TALK: Culture Tech, Part 2

A continuing look at how technology has changed the lives of photographers, pianists, and writers in the last several decades.

TECH TALK: Culture Tech, Part 1

Have you ever considered how technology impacts culture? The Berkshires, a cultural mecca equidistant from Boston and New York, is especially susceptible to embracing tech.

TECH TALK: Tech trust and governance

In the tech world, innovation should not be enough. Governance must be exercised if companies are to be trusted and if they are to achieve a “triple bottom line.” And for us consumers. “trust but verify” should be our motto.

TECH TALK: Harvesting Infinity, Part 3: Convergence

With a mindset toward abundance, using AI tools we can now gather insights about our subconscious knowledge. We need to integrate this new knowledge with a realistic sense of our own identity. Otherwise, we may act in conflict with who we truly are. Combining all this information productively is what we call convergence.

TECH TALK: Harvesting Infinity, Part 2: Awareness

Our conscious rational minds are only aware of a fraction of what our subconscious perceives. That’s why our stream-of-consciousness flow states often yield our highest performance results. AI tools can be used to capture the outputs of our flow states more easily and completely than our rational linear minds can.

TECH TALK: Harvesting Infinity, Part 1: Context

What’s the reason Silicon Valley companies have overtaken the big early East Coast tech companies such as IBM, Remington Rand, Sperry Rand, RCA, Burroughs, and Honeywell? The author credits their success to the mindset of abundance.

TECH TALK: AI–Provocateur of positive change

Technological advances can be stressful, but there’s a way to look on the bright side. Stress can be good for you, and your attitude can make a difference.

TECH TALK: Communication, Part 3—Those pesky file formats

For anyone who has to send content files—images, movies, sounds, and links—to collaborators, this column is a muist-read.

TECH TALK: Communication, Part 2—What to do about it

Continuing his discussion of the current communications environment, Howard points out that it's not the act that you can comunicate that matters but whether you can communicate well and effectively.

TECH TALK: Communication, Part 1 —transparency, privacy, sensitivity and speed

AI is reshaping communication by providing new platforms and tools that enhance our ability to convey information quickly and efficiently. This shift is not just about speed; it's also about the depth and quality of interactions.