Far too many of us put off finalizing estate documents because we get hung up on certain decisions. Over my next few posts, I will provide my thinking on some of the issues and considerations related to wills and trusts, beginning with the all-important naming of executor.
Throughout my career, I have found that the difficulty a couple has in agreeing on potential guardians for minor children is without question the primary obstacle to completing the drafting of wills.
Everyone starts off the year with resolutions that reflect the best of intentions. But good intentions fade quickly unless you create a plan that leads to actions; and only actions, not intentions, bring about results.
Discussing your finances and estate intentions, even with adult kids, can feel awkward. Rest assured, they likely know more about your finances than you think.
While certainly an honor and often a flattering acknowledgment of your contribution to the organization, the decision to join a board should not be taken lightly.