What happens when a group of strangers living in a Vermont village sign up for drama class? During the 6-week course, what starts as ridiculous and at times seemingly pointless acting exercises turn into something entirely different.
"Endure" portrays the story of a man and a woman falling in love, and then out of love. In the piece are the extreme archetypes of the masculine and the feminine.
"This is one of my favorite events in the Berkshires. It’s a true honor to be a part of this -- they are celebrating new playwrights, new work, rich language and stories that resonate within all of us."
-- Shakespeare and Company actress and Communications Director Elizabeth Aspenlieder
"The Close Encounters' mission here, as always, is to present a comprehensive picture of the a musical world that we can encapsulate and share."
-- Yehuda Hanani, founder and artistic director of Close Encounters with Music
The intimacy of Barrington Stage's St. Germain Stage enthralls the audience who cannot move out of the grasp of the actors. This is not the easiest play to be at, or in, as the lead character grapples with dementia.
"Working to get better at my music means I can achieve more. That’s the beauty of it. It’s exponential growth as the better you get, the more you realize you have so much more distance to climb."
-- Monument Mountain senior Max Weiner who will be attending Oberlin College and Conservatory in the fall.
Kate Geis, director/producer of "Paul Taylor/Creative Domain," says her dream came true making and recording the most extensive documentation of one of the world's greatest artists. Her film is screening on the stage of the Mahaiwe Theatre where the dance that is the focus of the film had its premiere a few years ago.
We’re collecting performances about those things we don’t want to talk about, varying from the serious to the funny, like sex, death and politics."
-- Pooja Ru Prema
Among the 25 artists whose work will be on display are Morgan Bulkeley, Jarvis Rockwell, Joan Griswold, Warner Friedman, Janet Rickus, Peggy Reeves, and John Lawson.
For a taste of the old-fashioned, genuine Greenwich Village coffeehouse scene, with extraordinary performers to go along with their home-roasted coffees, it’s hard to beat No. Six Depot in West Stockbridge.
"If we assume, very conservatively, that there are two million species in the tropical rainforests, this means that something like five thousand species are being lost each year. This comes to roughly fourteen species a day, or one every hundred minutes.”
-- Elizabeth Kolbert in "The Sixth Extinction"
This is completely thrilling for an actor – and completely terrifying. You leap from one character to another – and you have to land full blown for each one.
-- Daniel Osman, of his 39 roles in 'Fully Committed.'