"It's an entire genre that people don't know much about, and we love it, because it features violin naturally, as part of the basic instrumentation." — Luis Villalobos
Eighty years ago, Tanglewood concerts were outdoors -- in a tent. At one performance, an all-Wagner concert, with Koussevitsky conducting, a storm rendered the music inaudible.
The campaign to rid the Shed of starlings began in the 1940s with birdshot. Chemicals were tried in the ‘50s, and screening in the ‘60s. All to no avail.
If you can guess what legendary musicians are represented in Fiona's sketches, you might win one of Fiona's illustrations, customized to your sense of style.
All in all, this is a lively, sexy, glitzy, sophisticated example of the best that Broadway has provoked from its creative talent pool in the 20th century.
As Shakespeare's wife, Anne Hathaway, Kristin Wold triumphs in a role that is written out of imagination and history combined; she breathes life into a name without a face and a presence without presence.
In my town the youth congregate to complain about their futures and
Try their hand at drinking away their worries.
They want more than their imaginings of the future can give them
Herewith a fable for our time by the poet Kurt Kruger, on the wily schemes of the Devil: 'Long ago, when there was much more space than people, I would have gone to each isolated population, in turn, and convinced them that I was God.'