Saturday, January 25, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

Bits & Bytes: Mass Live Arts Festival at Simon’s Rock; Live on the Lake; BTCF scholarship awards

Highlights of the Mass Live Arts festival include Tarzana, the MLA commission/world premiere from experimental theater group Radiohole and a return engagement for Andrew Schneider’s hi-tech-infused theater/performance piece YOUARENOWHERE.

Mass Live Arts festival at Simon’s Rock

Great BarringtonMass Live Arts performance festival returns to the Daniel Arts Center at Bard College at Simon’s Rock for three weeks of innovative performing arts through July 26. Highlights include Tarzana, the MLA commission/world premiere from experimental theater group Radiohole; a return engagement for Andrew Schneider’s hi-tech-infused theater/performance piece YOUARENOWHERE; and Send for the Million Men by Joseph Silovsky, a personal and political examination of the infamous Sacco and Vanzetti trial and its aftermath. Other festival presentations include a film series dedicated to work of the groundbreaking ensemble The Wooster Group; gallery projects by theater maverick Daniel Fish and The National Theater of the United States; and artist-in-residency projects by Bessie-winning dance company Faye Driscoll Group and the Berkshires-based theater artist Heather Fisch.

General admission for performances is $30 ($20 for audiences under 30); film screenings are $10 (price includes free popcorn); gallery presentations, residency showings, and weekly community events are free. A film package for all screenings is also available at $25.



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Live on the Lake
Concert-goers at a recent Live on the Lake performance.

Live on the Lake concert series in Pittsfield

Pittsfield – The Live on the Lake community concert series kicks off its fourteenth consecutive season on July 8. The concerts will be offered every Wednesday evening through August 26, from 6 pm to 8 pm at Burbank Park on Onota Lake in Pittsfield.

Record crowds attended each concert last summer, and as many as 150 boats dropped anchor along the shores of Onota Lake to view the acts.

The schedule for 2015 is as follows:

July 8: Who Are You;
 July 15: Arthur Holmes Blues Band;
 July 2: Bandit;
 July 29: Whiskey City;
 August 5: Wildcard;
August 12: Tor Krautter and KlusterFunk; August 19: Sirsy; 
8/26: Madison Avenue.

A shuttle service will be offered to people parking at Taconic High School. In addition to the shuttle, parking will be available on Vin Hebert Boulevard.

The Pittsfield Police Department would like to remind those who attend that alcohol is not permitted at Burbank Park during these concerts and no parking is allowed on Lakeway Drive Extension (located off Pecks Road). The Pittsfield Police Department will be on patrol during these shows and parking violations will be cited.


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Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation awards $2.1 million in summer grants cycle

Sheffield — The Board of Directors of Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation announced that 32 scholarship funds for Berkshire County students have awarded a total of $257,175 in scholarships for the 2015-2016 academic year.

For specific schools and school districts:

Charles and Elinore Agar Scholarship Fund (Monument Mountain): Terrance W. Powell; Caligari Family Scholarship Fund (Monument Mountain): Audriana Esperat; Zenas Crane Fund for Student Aid (Central Berkshire Regional School District) Year 1: Marco Vincent Anastasio, Eric Archambault, Sarah Elizabeth Bachli, Kevin Ronald Boino, Matthew Bourdon, Rachel Marie Burgess, Nicholas John Clayton, Courtney Jean Corbett, Jamie E. Downer, Jonathan Andrew Downs, Kaitlyn Dumas, Sarah Marie Duquette, Sarah Elizabeth Friedman, Sara Elizabeth Hopper, Nicholas Jamrog, Bryanah Haeleigh Johnson, Eric Michael Klem, Andrew J. Kowalczyk, Bridget Lussier, Ryan Daniel McMahon, Collin Michael Parrott, Lindsay Perrea, Sean Norman Peters, Taylor Renee Powers, Ryan Joseph Psutka, Faith Anne Pudlo, Jeffrey Alan Pullano, Dorianna Wendell Reardon, Sheridan Robinson, Dakota Austin Sprague, Maddie Sprague, Victoria Vreeland and Michael J. Wagner; Renewals: Timothy Bachli, Kelley Brennan, Rachel Brennan, Mitchell Chapman, Catherine Cherry, Eleanor Cherry, Austin Cooney, Tiffany Corbett, Anthony Delmolino, Joseph DiMassimo, Taylor Van Dyke, Logan Gresser, Eric Grogan, Lane Grogan, McKenzie Harrington, Jenna Harris, Brianna Holsborg, Kate Hopper, Nathan Ivanowsky, Patrick Jamross, Trevor Jamross, Samantha Keller, Elizabeth Kowalczyk, Amanda McLeod, Kristina Miller, Kyle Miller, Theresa Miller, Divya Muruga, Shivaram Muruga, Marion O’Brien, Ellen Ross, Justin Schnopp, Shannon Steele, Kayla Stergis, Daniel White and Kelcie Yarmey; Winthrop Crane Fund for Graduate Student Aid(Central Berkshire Regional School District): Adam Blefari, Elizabeth Corley, Aliah Currey and Jordan Schnopp; J. Edward Dery Scholarship Fund (Pittsfield): Dina Bilotta; The Honorable James P. Dohoney Scholarship Fund (Monument Mountain, Mount Everett, Lenox or Lee): James Allentuck, Haley Barbieri, Charlotte Cahillane, Cassandra Case, Adam Derwitsch, Katherine Donovan, Henri Morrison, Ava Naylor, Matas Rudzinskas, Alexandra Springstube, Alexandria Summers and Kristin Wolfe; Dana Labbee Scholarship Fund (Hoosac Valley High School): Travis Ciempa; Guido Masiero Scholarship Fund (Monument Mountain and Manchester Essex): Emily Jaworski and Alexandra Summers; Louis N. Massery PHS Scholarship Fund (Pittsfield High School): Taylor Patti; C.M. Owens Scholarship Fund (Monument Mountain): Audriana Esperat; Daniel and Evelyn Smith Scholarship Fund (Sutton Memorial High School): Virginia Santee; Waterman and Remillard Scholarship Fund (Drury High School): Christa Sprague; Williams Academy Scholarship Fund (Monument Mountain): Sophia Danyluk and Duncan Jenny; Williams High School Scholarship Fund(Monument Mountain): Cam Black, Emma Carchedi, Owen Hunter and Alexandra Springstube.

For residents of specific towns or regions:

William and Margery Barrett Scholarship Fund (Adams, Cheshire or Savoy): Daniel Butler, Austin Milesi, and Sean Ryan-Kut; Nicholas Boraski Family Scholarship Fund (Berkshire County): Kiana Estime and Cam Powell; Housatonic School Scholarship Fund (Housatonic): Haley Barbieri, Katrina Fitzpatrick, Caroline Raifstanger, John Ryan and Timothy Shumsky; McLaughlin-Wilson Scholarship Fund (Monterey): Kelsey Alcantara, James Allentuck, Molly Amstead, Lauren Andrus, Cassandra Case, Eloisa Dean, Laura Dinan, Jason Duryea, Jacob Edelman, Katrina Fitzpatrick, Gabriella Makuc, Joseph Makuc, Ezra Marcus, Bruce McAlister, Sheridan McAlister, Judah Piepho, Emily Shaw and Leah Weisgal; Myrtle and Raymond Mercier Scholarship Award (Stockbridge): Maria Colli; Emma Miller Scholarship Fund (Adams, Cheshire or Savoy): Dylan Quinn; Antonio and Antoinette Pieropan Scholarship Fund (Stockbridge or West Stockbridge): Aaron Norton and Alexandria Summers; William Stanley Scholarship Fund (Berkshire County): Zoe Borden, Judah Piepho and Grace Singleton.

For specific fields of study:

Ferris Burtis Scholarship Fund (classical music): Gabriella Makuc; Mary Matilda Marcy Scholarship Fund (nursing): Amy Tracy; Jamie Fund (music or vocational arts): Cameron Black; William J. Newton Memorial Scholarship Fund(technology): Heather Massey; Michael P. O’Brien Scholarship (Mount Greylock graduates who will study aeronautics, aviation or engineering): Patrick Archibald; Rhoda Rubin Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund: Anisa Spagnuolo; West Stockbridge Grange Fund (agriculture, conservation, nursing or teaching): Alexandra Springstube.

Other funds:

New World Fund Scholarship Fund (for students who are immigrants): Liliana Atancio; Women’s Club of the Berkshires Scholarship Fund (female students): Jessica Bilotta and Kiana Estime.

Contributions to any of the above funds can be made online.



The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.

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THEN & NOW: Downtown Great Barrington

Thanks to the hard work of the town’s DPW, Main Street was quickly cleared after the most recent snowstorm.

BITS & BYTES: ‘Uncharitable’ at The Mahaiwe; Flophouse Follies at Race Brook Lodge; OLLI Dr. Tom Gerety; Jewish Federation of the Berkshires presents Susan...

No topic is more crucial and timely as we confront an increasingly unstable world with the growing revelation that we are all interconnected and that our fate lies in how much we are willing to invest in positive change.

BITS & BYTES: American Mural Project joins Museums for All; Olana summer art and nature program; Kitchen residency at Heirloom Lodge; Berkshire Theatre Group...

“We want to ensure that everyone, regardless of their financial circumstances, feels that they belong here,” said Amy Wynn, Executive Director of American Mural Project.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.