Saturday, January 25, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

Bits & Bytes: Events and news of note in the Berkshires

Behold! New Lebanon Aug. 29 tours; Camphill Ghent volunteers honored; Knosh & Knowledge at Hevreh, with a lecture on anti-Semitism in France; Jacob’s Pillow honors outgoing executive director Ella Baff.

Behold! New Lebanon’s August 29 rural guide tours

Photo 2015Aug29 Sharon Koomler Jerry Grant tighter crop
Jerry Grant & Sharon Koomer. Photo: Uli Rose.

New Lebanon, N.Y.  — Behold! New Lebanon, the living museum of contemporary rural American life, has announced its Rural Guide schedule for Saturday, August 29. The programs include:

The Printed Word: Sharon Koomer and Jerry Grant will take visitors on a tour complete with a hands-on demonstration of old-time printing presses.

Elm Tree Mill: When President Theodore Roosevelt lived in the White House, he insisted that his pancakes be prepared only from Elm Tree Mill buckwheat. A tour conducted by Fionna Lally and Joe Ogilvie offers a look inside and back to the 18th century.

Gemstones Demystified, Pearls Renewed: Master jeweler and jewelry designer Heather (Van Oort) Naventi busts myths about jewelry and gemstones, demonstrating how to distinguish fake from real, and showing how to detect flaws in diamonds.

Working Dogs: Visitors to the Johnson Family homestead learn how herding breeds of farm dogs are trained and worked.

Advance ticket purchase is recommended for all programs. More information can be found at the Berkshire Edge calendar and by contacting the museum at (518) 720-7265,or


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Camphill Ghent thanks active volunteer corps

Camphill Ghent volunteers
Camphill Ghent Volunteers – Seated from left: Rudy Perini, Joan Weitzner, Cory Triewth, Ren Haddon, Mary Osorio. Standing from left: Joan Perini, Kathleen Leitner, Ted Bayer, Ellen Menegio, Margaret Brooks, Joe Singleton and Whitney Baeckmann. Missing from photo: Anna and Brian Rée, Ann Finucane, Barbara Patterson, Nicole Decker and Tim Paholak.

Chatham, N.Y. — Eighteen volunteers were honored recently at a luncheon in Camphill Ghent as a thank-you for their efforts. “We are so grateful for our volunteers who enhance the lives of our residents which in turn enriches our whole community,” said activities director Gry Brudvik. Volunteers range in age from teenagers to elders and their duties match their interests. Volunteers come to Camphill Ghent on a regular basis to visit with residents in the adult home and help with activities.

Those interested in volunteering at Camphill Ghent in any capacity should contact Brudvik at (518) 392-2760 x104. “We are always welcoming new volunteers to our community,” said Brudvik. “It’s a great way to connect with other people from a variety of different backgrounds and to become a part of a great community.”


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Lecture at Hevreh on anti-Semitism in France

Steven J Rubin
Steven J. Rubin.

Great Barrington — On Friday, August 28 at 10:45 a.m., the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires in collaboration with Hevreh of Southern Berkshire will host Steven J. Rubin, Professor Emeritus of International Studies and former dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Adelphi University, as he speaks about “Anti-Semitism in France from the Dreyfus Affair to the Present.” Dr. Rubin will examine issues pertaining to both the history of French anti-Semitism and the present socio-political climate in France.

The first Jews arrived on the shores of southern France with the Romans in the second century B.C.E. and have been a presence ever since. Their long history is marked by endurance and accomplishment, but it is also replete with expulsions, pogroms, deportations, and ongoing anti-Semitism. Professor Rubin is the author and editor of numerous books and articles on world Jewish literature, including “Writing Our Lives: Autobiographies of American Jews,” and “Telling and Remembering: A Century of American Jewish Poetry.”

This Knosh & Knowledge program begins at 10:45 a.m. and is open to the public. The talk will be followed by a buffet lunch from Freund’s Farm Market. The $11 admission price includes the lunch. Participants may attend the program only for $5. Advance reservations are required.

To make the required advance reservations, call the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires at (413) 442-4360 x10 or email


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Jacob’s Pillow’s Festival Finale honors executive director Ella Baff

Ella Baff Christopher Duggan
Ella Baff. Photo: Christopher Duggan.

Becket — Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival celebrates the close of its 83rd season with a Festival Finale event honoring outgoing executive and artistic director Ella Baff on Saturday, August 29. Tickets for the Festival Finale include a performance by the legendary Martha Graham Dance Company in the Ted Shawn Theatre or the young and innovative MADBOOTS DANCE in the Doris Duke Theatre, and access to the afterparty where guests can mingle with dancers, pay tribute to Baff, enjoy desserts by local restaurants and bakeries, and dance the night away with DJ BFG in the historic Bakalar Studio.

The Festival Finale celebrates the era of artistic excellence and growth during Ella Baff’s 17-year tenure. Baff’s final season closes with the Pillow’s trademark pairing of dance legends and emerging artists on both stages. The Finale performances will be followed by a multi-venue party on the Pillow grounds. An expansive dessert spread in the Pillow Café will feature treats from local Berkshire vendors. The finale afterparty continues until 12:30 a.m.

More information and tickets can be found at the Berkshire Edge calendar and by calling the Pillow at (413) 243-0745.



The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.

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THEN & NOW: Downtown Great Barrington

Thanks to the hard work of the town’s DPW, Main Street was quickly cleared after the most recent snowstorm.

BITS & BYTES: ‘Uncharitable’ at The Mahaiwe; Flophouse Follies at Race Brook Lodge; OLLI Dr. Tom Gerety; Jewish Federation of the Berkshires presents Susan...

No topic is more crucial and timely as we confront an increasingly unstable world with the growing revelation that we are all interconnected and that our fate lies in how much we are willing to invest in positive change.

BITS & BYTES: American Mural Project joins Museums for All; Olana summer art and nature program; Kitchen residency at Heirloom Lodge; Berkshire Theatre Group...

“We want to ensure that everyone, regardless of their financial circumstances, feels that they belong here,” said Amy Wynn, Executive Director of American Mural Project.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.