Wednesday, February 19, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

Stephan Green

Stephan Green, AIA, LEED AP, arrived in the Berkshires in the early 1970’s, when his car broke down on the Massachusetts Turnpike. He worked as a carpenter for three years in Berkshire County, and then gave up his carpentry tools to study architecture at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. After working in NYC for ten years he returned to the Berkshires in 1988 to establish Clark & Green. Initially focusing on residential design, Stephan expanded the office’s work to include a variety of commercial building types. This broader understanding of design and construction enhanced the office’s residential design skills. Stephan has led projects that included transformation of an historic building into the multiplex Beacon Cinema in Pittsfield, the conversion of an athletic field house into the 32,000 square foot multi-use Elayne P. Bernstein Theatre complex at Shakespeare and Co. in Lenox, and the award-winning Great Barrington Fire Station. Recently, he was proud to lead the design of CATA’s new home in Great Barrington. Stephan’s focus as an Architect remains on contributing to the enhancement of life in the Berkshires for residents and institutions alike

written articles

Past and Presentation

Originally part of Edith Wharton's estate at The Mount, the former barn and stables have been transformed by CLARK + GREEN INC into a gracious home which retains the history of the property and the character of the barn.

TRANSFORMATIONS: Program, Design, Budget – Three interdependent components in any project

Mr. and Mrs. S. are folks I’ve known for years. Their house was built in the seventies – a kind of economical deck house with upside down organization – bedrooms below, living dining kitchen above. They wanted to add a bedroom and bathroom. The existing building had two bedrooms, one full bath at the bedroom level and one half-bath at the upper level. Their budget was tight, and they knew it.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.