Saturday, January 18, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

Melissa Mishcon

M. E. Mishcon is a writer and psychotherapist in private practice. Her work has appeared in Boston Magazine, Urthona, The Berkshire Review, The Women's Times, Sequoia, The Berkshire Eagle, The George Washington Review, Serpentine, to name a few. Her novel 'Just Between Us' won first prize forBirmingham Southern University's 'Hackney Award.' She was a former fiction and poetry editor for The Artful Mind.

written articles

True colors

Heading into yet another important election cycle, the midterms, it’s vital that we as individuals investigate for ourselves what a candidate’s ‘true colors’ might be based not on promises or expressed rhetoric.

Commentary: Immigrant dreams

It’s time we faced the fact that We the People of these United States are a blended family of stepchildren and adoptees.

VIEWPOINT: Being decent again

Thanks to those people in Alabama, we have chosen not to dance with the devil just to obtain desired secondary gains.

COMMENTARY: Resisting the temptation to withdraw

Fake news has become a mantra from the man who employs the practice of inventing information. 

COMMENTARY: Trick or treat

The extended display of pre-election costumes and shenanigans make the dirty tricks of Richard Nixon's Watergate era seem like child's play.


Donald Trump was handed a lump of money from his Father and still managed to achieve four business bankruptcies, stiffing contractors in Atlantic City, bilking would-be students at Trump University.

COMMENTARY: The New Terrorism

The reasons for the decision in the British Isles is what troubles me most since it could happen here in the United States. Scratch that. It is happening here.


“We’re at a point in this country where there’s some kind of small massacre every day, somewhere.” -- Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Koretz

On Politics: The latest monsters

Donald Trump already looks and acts very like an animated character drawn by Stan Lee. Bernie Sanders, likewise, seems like something that stepped from the pages of a DC comic.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.