Tuesday, January 14, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

Lee Harrison

In 1999, Lee Harrison and Sherwood Guernsey created a countywide Democratic organization that would eventually become Berkshire Democratic Brigades, an organization that sent activists to New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Ohio for John Kerry in 2004 and which continues to organize Democrats to this day. Lee chaired the Williamstown Committee for most of the 2000s, and was elected to the Massachusetts Democratic State Committee more than 15 years ago. A graduate of the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, Lee firmly believes that, as Jefferson said, “democracy itself depends on an informed electorate,” and he has spent the last four decades diligently working to shore up our democracy by informing that electorate.

written articles

Stand up for human decency: Vote Democratic

Closer to home we have a Republican governor – with no vision for Massachusetts other than using us as a base to run for president next year – who continues to con regular folks with a smile and a shoe shine while protecting the wealthy from having to pay their fair share in taxes.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.