Sunday, February 9, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

Gary Stoller

Gary Stoller is a retired dentist who moved to Great Barrington in 2010 from Columbia County, NY, after practicing dentistry in Hudson for 34 years. A long-time peace and justice activist, he now advocates for climate action as the fossil fuel divestment coordinator for 350MASS-Berkshires and works with their coordination team. When not traveling the world, much of his spare time is spent growing, cooking, and eating organic vegetables.

written articles

Divesting from fossil fuel companies: Its effect on personal investments

Fossil Fuel Divestment for Everyone: A Forum on Divestment and Sustainable Reinvestment will be held on Saturday, May 21, from 10 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. at the Ralph Froio Senior Center in Pittsfield, Mass.

Fundacion Juanita: Scholarship project for girls in Nicaragua

The program enables girls from low-income families to attend high school. Customarily, boys’ education is prioritized, and girls from large families are often denied the opportunity to attend high school.

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