Monday, January 20, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

Grace Rossman

Grace Rossman is a senior at Bard College at Simon’s Rock. “Activated” by an activism class she took with Jennifer Browdy during the fall of 2013, Grace developed "The Belly Monologues," a multimedia project focused on body image, relationships, identity, eating behavior, and the many intersections thereof. Following the example of audacious author-activists like Eve Ensler (of "The Vagina Monologues" fame), Grace hopes to spark conversation and shift paradigms by honestly and unabashedly acknowledging the world as it is. Currently working on a book of short essays and poetry entitled Insatiable, she is ready and eager to sink her teeth into a cornucopia of meaty subjects revolving around desire, consumption, and nourishment.

written articles

EDGEWISE: ‘We just clicked’: Valentine’s Day musings on Internet dating

The mention of online dating often inspires people to use words like “desperate,” “sad” and “loser.” Until recently, I was of the firm opinion that the rise in online dating was evidence of the death of authenticity and humanity in our relationships.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.