“Mr. Richman was the best teacher I ever had”…”Mr. Richman taught me to love calculus when I hated math”…”I am now becoming an engineer because of Mr. Richman…”
Railroad Street Youth Project offers mentoring and apprenticeship programs, a sexual health education initiative, an all-youth board that funds innovative, youth-inspired projects and trips, job training and career counseling.
We were contemplating the 10 guests that would soon be assembling for our Thanksgiving celebration, and fretting about whether we had enough turkey, stuffing,...
"With a strong CPA fund, the town will be better able to meet some of our important affordable housing, historic preservation and open space needs."
-- Great Barrington Town Manager Jennifer Tabakin
'Women of Haiti: Their Influence; Their Art'
Great Barrington — On Monday, December 1, at 7 p.m.,Give to Give, Monument Mountain Regional High School’s student...
Bring the whole family for a hike along the 7-mile trail network and walk off your Thanksgiving feast at the Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary. The universally accessible All Persons Trail offers a gradual, even walkway down to the boardwalk at Pike’s Pond.
Margaret, second oldest native resident of South Egremont, was a member of the Council on Aging and Egremont Historical Committee. Margaret gave her entire family the best childhood experience anyone could ever hope for.
John was a member of the Great Barrington School Board before becoming the Chairman of the Regional School Committee at the time Monument Mountain Regional High School was built.
Her heart was always in the Berkshires where she and her husbandSimon settled permanently in the 1980’s. At the age of 65, Eva started her own real estate business in Egremont, named Red Barn Realty for the barn she lovingly converted from stables to work place.
Sallie earned a Master of Social Work degree from Smith College in Northampton and practiced locally as a psychotherapist with much of her practice focused on helping children.
He could fix almost anything yet his greatest gift was to make people laugh. With a sharp wit and the ability to impersonate anyone, he could always bring a room to laughter.