Neuma Agins and Henry Reeve of Agins & Reeve Realty offer for rent an exceptional professional/office space with excellent exposure in a quaint yet very accessible location with high visibility.
Please help oppose horse racing returning to Great Barrington, Massachusetts. There is going to be a town meeting held on Wednesday, December 11 on this issue.
She became a member of the Berkshire Botanical Garden and the Lenox Garden Club. She became a very active member of the boards of both and served as the president of the Garden Club.
In his 1974 book, “The Glory and the Dream," historian William Manchester writes: "It was an old southern custom for Negroes to surrender their seats to whites. It was also against the law for anyone to disobey a bus driver’s instructions. Mrs. Parks thought about it for a moment and then said she wouldn’t move."
An Edgecast video report on the May 7 march against General Electric's proposal to create a toxic PCB waste dump in the village of Housatonic, along the banks of the Housatonic River at Rising Pond.
Of his dance choreographed for Memorial Day (click on the video in this item) , Leif Steinert of Stockbridge writes: "I think what I have achieved here is truly ridiculous."
She loved her Iredale company family watching their comings and goings from her window, usually with a cup of tea in her hand, her cat Charley by her side.
While photographer Michael Kalish was taking photographs of the circus Friday evening, the Zoppe Family Circus crew invited him to travel with them. He is still pondering the invitation.
Nola was one of several senior citizens recognized by Gov. Deval L. Patrick for her life-long commitment to the African-American community in the Berkshires.
Her iron will and strength of character were traits well admired by all who knew her. With her quick wit and a twinkle in her eye, one couldn't help but be charmed by a woman who overcame so much in her long life against very big odds.