Monday, February 17, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

Carl Stewart

A former federal prosecutor, Carl Stewart, a resident of Alford, is chairman of the Southern Berkshire Regional School Committee. He is also a current member of Alford Finance Committee, and for 19 years was a member and chair of Alford Planning Board.

written articles

Let’s have clarity about proposed hotel at the Searles School campus

Much of the discussion [about the hotel proposal] has either lost sight of the real issue or has twisted it into something it is not. I’ve been distressed by the seeming willingness of the participants in this debate to obfuscate what is, in actuality, a fairly simple question.

Mt. Everett Robotics team updates from World Championships  

Although one team had expressed interest in having us join them, this did not materialize and so our Cinderella run in St. Louis came to an end this morning. In what seemed a reversal of the way things generally go, the kids took the result with more equanimity than the adults, including me. The big story is how well we did against much larger schools who were better financed. In fact, Mt Everett finished ahead of every other school in New England. A great achievement.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.