Sunday, February 9, 2025

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Andrea Harrington brings fresh perspective, fresh leadership to D.A. race

In his letter to the editor, Steve Farina writes:  "The District Attorney’s office needs the fresh leadership, energized leadership, found in someone who embraces the Criminal Justice Reform that the people of Massachusetts, and particularly, the people of Berkshire County both want and deserve."

To the Editor:

There are times in our lives when we have the opportunity to see new paradigms that can change the community around us. One of those times is now.

There is a movement happening in the Criminal Justice System. It is sweeping the country, and our State. In fact, in spite of the objection of all but two of the Commonwealth’s DA’s offices, the Legislature recently passed, and the governor signed into law, a sweeping Criminal Justice Reform Bill. The Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office was among those signing a letter in opposition to the very popular bill.

This past week three Democratic candidates for Berkshire County District Attorney squared off in their first debate. One is the appointed heir of the previous DA.

Another is a former candidate for this office, having run once before more than a decade ago.

The candidate who most impressed me is the energetic Andrea Harrington. It was her embrace of Criminal Justice Reform (CJR) which brought her to my attention. While there is another candidate who also embraces CJR, the fresh perspective, fresh leadership, and fresh energy is clearly brought by Andrea Harrington to the Berkshire County District Attorney race.

What really stood out to me during the debate is that the Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office does not need another career prosecutor who has worked his way up through the management ranks. We do not need another DA who was appointed by the good ‘ol boy network, just to improve his chances to continue the same old same old.

The Berkshire County District Attorney position is too important.

We need a leader! It is time to elect a leader! Andrea Harrington is that leader!

The competent staff of professionals who make up the DA’s office need the fresh leadership, Energized leadership, found in someone who embraces the Criminal Justice Reform that the people of Massachusetts, and particularly, the people of Berkshire County both want and deserve. The time to embrace that change is now. This is our moment.

To the race for Berkshire County District Attorney, Andrea Harrington brings fresh perspective, fresh leadership, and fresh energy in a cause whose time has arrived.

Andrea Harrington is the right person in the right place at the right time! Support her now, and be sure to show up to vote for her on September 4th in the Democratic Primary.

And there are opportunities to come out and meet Andrea and show her your support this week at her various campaign launch events, beginning Monday night (May 21):

21 MAY18 at No. 10 Castle Street in Great Barrington from 5:30 – 8 p.m.

22 MAY18 at The Richmond Grille in North Adams from 5:30 – 8 p.m.

23 MAY18 at Patrick’s Pub in Pittsfield from 5:30 — 8 p.m.

Steve Farina

Great Barrington


The Edge Is Free To Read.

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The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.